Future Ready

Future Ready at Central Rivers AEA is how we transform an education experience where teachers and students co-create learning through a variety of personalized, authentic experiences in order to ensure that all learners are adaptable and contribute to a global community.

There are a number of entry points for beginning the work and some critical questions to start the conversation in your school district or building. Each entry point below comes with a host of supports and resources that can be found in our resource folder, Future Ready Resources. You can also start the conversation by accessing any of our Future Ready team members or the leads listed below. 

Choosing your starting point on your journey to being Future Ready.

On-Demand Learning

How to Infuse 21st Century Skills

This video talks about all the different ways the term, “21st Century Skills” is often used nationally and in Iowa. Then, it offers a few suggestions for how to embed these types of skills into the school, through things like the Portrait of a Graduate process, as well as the classroom level ideas so learners can regularly experience them as part of their education.

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Universal Constructs: Getting Started

This on-demand learning will help educators build foundational knowledge of the Universal Constructs and how they align with the Iowa Core Employability Skills. Helpful resources for further learning and implementation in the classroom are shared.

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Important Contacts

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