Welcome to the Central Rivers AEA Science website. Here you will find information, resources, and tools to improve science education for all students.

Next Generation Science Standards

  • Iowa adopted the performance expectations component of the Next Generation Science Standards as the state standard on August 6, 2015.
  • Explore the full Next Generation Science Standards.
  • The standards are based on the Framework for K-12 Science Education.
  • Feel free to contact us to discuss ways we can assist your district with your transition to these standards.

Resources to Support Implementation of Iowa Core Science Standards

The Central Rivers AEA Science team has developed and collected several resources to guide an individual teacher or district’s implementation of the Iowa Science Standards. We have compiled a list of items from evidence booklets to resources that support lesson planning!

Ways to Connect with Educators Across the State

Iowa’s AEA science consultants are utilizing social media as a way to increase collaboration among teachers. Consider joining one or more of the Iowa Facebook pages to share news, ideas, resources and questions.

STEM Education in Iowa

Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Education has been identified as a priority in Iowa. The Governor’s STEM Advisory Council is a partnership between business, policy, and education leaders from across the state convened to bolster Iowa’s STEM education and innovation. Visit the Governor’s STEM Advisory Council for more information.

Ways We Can Support

  • Professional learning in the area of science education in districts.
  • Provide professional development through course offerings (see chart below).
  • Consultation on Iowa Science Standards.
  • Support with Mystery Science (Grades K-5).
  • Support with OpenSciEd (Grades 6-11).
  • Support working with teachers to better align curriculum to Iowa Science standards.
  • Join school science team PLCs.
  • Provide student events at the agency.
  • Assist in finding resources to support science education.
  • Answer questions related to the teaching of science.
  • Support with STEM implementation.
  • Guide curriculum committees through science curriculum selection.
  • Work with schools to set up “learning teams” for renewal credit.
  • Conduct science learning labs.

Science Team Publications

Science and Children—November/December 2022 (Volume 60, Issue 2)

Edutopia – May 17, 2023

Edutopia- August 2, 2023

On-Demand Learning

Unwrapping a Science Standard

This learning will provide a demonstration of the process of unwrapping a Next Generation Science Standard. The resources and templates for this process will also be available to the learner.

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Depth of Knowledge (DOK) in Science

This learning opportunity will provide an explanation of Webb’s Depth of Knowledge (DOK) and how it applies to Iowa’s science standards. Examples of applying DOK to standards will be provided. This learning also includes an explanation as to how this applies to assessment and instruction alignment.

View full course

Important Contacts

Staff Directory