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Revolutionizing Education: How Central Rivers AEA is Empowering Schools to Harness the Power of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is an integral part of modern life. Tools like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant have become everyday… Continue reading Home

Agency News

All News
  • Improving Special Education outcomes: Iowa’s AEAs role in student success

  • The debate over cellphone use in schools: pros and cons

  • Understanding Iowa’s new chronic absenteeism law

How we help educators, students & families

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    Scope of Options

    We offer a variety of solutions designed to tackle different challenges in education. Let us support you in overcoming hurdles and reaching your goals.

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    We collaborate with school districts to tailor support through their district service plans, ensuring solutions that fit each district's specific needs and goals.

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    Excellence is not a buzzword at Central Rivers AEA, it's part of our DNA as an organization. We recruit and retain highly qualified team members with a passion for service.

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    Leadership & Service

    We both respond to district requests and create opportunities never thought of before. Our dedication extends to every last student we serve.

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New and experienced occupational therapist providers teamed up to create more fine motor kits for teachers and students. 🙌

These kits are a favorite order in our AEA media system – so popular that we had to make more to keep up with demand! 🎉👏

Pictured from left to ...right: Diane Heller, Chandal Geerdes and Elizabeth Voigt.

#CRAEA #iaedchat #finemotorskills #schoolbasedOT #collaboration

What an incredible career exploration day! 🎉

Over 450 students got hands-on experience in careers like agriculture, transportation, nursing, public safety, graphic design and cybersecurity. Live simulations gave them a real taste of the possibilities ahead. 👏

Big thanks to ...@hawkeyecollege's High School Career Connections for making today’s event possible! We love collaborating to support student success! 🙌

#CRAEA #iaedchat #EveryDayAtAEA #careerexploration

Last week, our literacy team was busy delivering LETRS professional learning in @independencecsd, Clarksville, Waverly-Shell Rock, Osage and Don Bosco schools! 👏

Where is your district in the Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling (LETRS) journey? Whether you're ...just getting started or planning your next steps, we're here to support your literacy needs for the 25-26 school year. With ongoing learning about the Science of Reading and implementation help, the possibilities for students are endless! 🙌

Reach out to your #CRAEA literacy consultant to learn more.

#EveryDayAtAEA #LETRS #ScienceOfReading

🚨Tackling Chronic Absenteeism🚨

Today, leaders from West Fork, Forest City, Central Springs, Garner-Hayfield-Ventura, Lake Mills and Osage joined us in Clear Lake to take on the challenge of chronic absenteeism.

Thank you to Central Rivers AEA consultants Dusty Reese, Tina ...Halverson and Kara Shannon for guiding today’s workshop!

Couldn’t make it today? Don’t worry – there’s still time to join us in Cedar Falls on January 21 or Marshalltown on January 23! Register online for the next sessions.

#CRAEA #EveryDayAtAEA #iaedchat #tacklingchronicabsenteeism

Starting the new year strong at East Marshall CSD! Teachers have been busy with curriculum planning, diving into science and math standards, exploring social studies techniques, and integrating AI in special education.

Special thanks to our Central Rivers AEA consultants for their ...invaluable support:

•Melissa Blohm – Curriculum
•Keith Halverson – Social Studies
•Chelsie Byram – Science
•Theresa Smith – Math
•Delann Soenksen – Special Education
•Kay Schmalen – Media/Professional Learning
•Carrie Downs – Team Representative

Cheers to an outstanding beginning in 2025! 🌟

#EveryDayAtAEA #CRAEA #iaedchat #collaboration

Danielle Seehusen, Central Rivers AEA Work Experience Coordinator, teamed up with Maddie and the @charlescitycsd staff to tackle a festive gift-wrapping project! 🎁✨

#CRAEA #EveryDayAtAEA #collaboration #iaedchat #happyholidays

What we are proud of

Top Iowa Workplace

We were a Des Moines Register Top Workplace two years in a row.


of local educators say Central Rivers AEA special education services are "meeting or exceeding" expectations.


of local educators say that Central Rivers AEA Future Ready supports are "meeting or exceeding" expectations.


of local educators say that Central Rivers AEA Media and Creative Services are "meeting or exceeding" expectations.

"The AEA staff members who work with my district have been extremely helpful across the board...answering questions specific to content areas, helping with technology implementation, analyzing and using student data, and implementing Social and Emotional Learning structures."