Early ACCESS – a partnership with Iowa’s AEAs to the state’s earliest learners

Group Of Elementary School Pupils Sitting On Floor In Classroom

Early intervention can make a difference. No two children develop, grow, and learn in the same way or at the same pace. Healthy development means that children grow to their full potential and the first three years of life are a period of incredible growth in all areas of a baby’s development.

Early ACCESS is Iowa’s system of early intervention for infants and toddlers and represents a partnership between families with young children, birth to age three, and providers from the Department of Health & Human Services, Child Health Specialty Clinics, Area Education Agencies (AEA) and other community partners. Iowa’s AEAs are responsible for the administration of Early ACCESS across the state to ensure that services are available to all families in all Iowa locations. Children are eligible for Early ACCESS if they have certain diagnosed conditions or if an evaluation determines that they have a 25% delay in one or more areas of development.

The purpose of Early ACCESS is for families and providers to work together in identifying, coordinating, and providing needed services, supports, and resources that will help the family assist their infant or toddler to learn and grow throughout their everyday activities. Services are provided using Family Guided Routines Based Intervention (FGRBI) and a coaching interaction style. This is an approach where professionals work closely with families to support their child’s development through everyday routines and activities using regular, family life moments as chances to help children learn and grow. In addition, broader family needs and concerns can be addressed by locating other supportive services/resources in the local community for the family and/or child. All services to the child are provided in the child’s natural environment including the home and other community settings. These services can be provided face-to-face and/or virtually, based on what works best for the child and caregiver(s).

There is no cost to families for service coordination, assessments, evaluations, and any needed early intervention services provided by Early ACCESS.

Elissa Berding, Early Access Regional Coordinator

If you have questions or concerns about how your infant or toddler, ages 0-36 months, plays, hears, sees, talks, eats, or moves, contact Early ACCESS. Anyone can refer a child under age three to Early ACCESS. If you would like to refer a child and are not a family member, please seek parent permission before contacting Early ACCESS. Families and referrers can get more information about Early ACCESS including referral, resources, available services, developmental milestones, and statewide regional contacts by visiting the Iowa Family Support Network (https://www.iafamilysupportnetwork.org/), calling Iowa Family Support at 1-888-IAKIDS1 (888-425-4371) or by contacting your local AEA.

Elissa Berding is an Early ACCESS Regional Coordinator for Central Rivers Area Education Agency. She can be reached at eberding@centralriversaea.org. Learn more about Central Rivers Area Education Agency at www.centralriversaea.org.